Friday, November 23, 2007

NYC Thanksgiving Part III: Macy's Parade 2007!!!

No words can do justice to seeing the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade live and in person, so check out my Flickr photos. The crowds were awesome and the balloons, celebrities and floats exquisite. I watched from the end of my street, right where the parade began. Then it was off to eat Indian food and hang out with my amazing friend Lisa, her smart & handsome husband and charming bro-in-law. Couldn't ask for better conversation, camaraderie and food for my first NYC Thanksgiving. Am I feeling an abundance of gratitude? You betcha!

1 comment:

pattyb23 said...

Would you happen to have a copy of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade 2007. I'm trying to find a copy but I can't find one anywhere. Please email me at