Sunday, July 26, 2009

New York en Español... and other languages???

This city is a cacophony of multilingual dialogue, with certain sections truly singing like another world. With such a diverse population, it is great to have resources in languages other than New York City American (i.e. Brooklynese, 'Queens' English, etc...) and blogs that cater to those that moved here from elsewhere. After all, that is what New York is about (think Statue of Liberty, ya'll). 

So it was great to be contacted by Mia, who moved here from Argentina in 2002 and started Viva New York, an en Español guide to life in NYC. She covers everything from where to get the best Jimmy Choo's to what is happening on holidays to just plain how to survive here. Its a great resource. 

I'd personally love to add to Newbie NYC a list of other NYC-centric blogs written in other languages, but this regretfully only-English speaking gal can't locate them with a simple Google search. So if you know of any, please comment and share. They'll be added to my blogroll for sure.