Saturday, August 9, 2008

NYC is a Running Town: Nike+Human Race Aug 31

There is the world famous New York City Marathon (I swear I'm gunna run that puppy one day) and every weekend there seems to be a charity race going on in Central Park (personally, I'm looking forward to running the Komen Race for the Cure on Sept. 14!). Basically, NYC is a running town, with plenty of opps to get your jog on.

There is an interesting new 10K race in town. On August 31, 2008, runners from around the globe will take part in the world’s largest running event, the first ever Nike+ Human Race. The goal is to get 1 million runners racing at the same time, in 25 cities around the world including Buenos Aires, Istanbul, London, Madrid, Melbourne, Mexico City, Quito, Seoul, Singapore, Tokyo and more. Since we'll all be going through Olympic withdrawal at that point, this looks like a great way to get back in the global athletic groove.

In New York City, the race will take place along the waterfront at Randalls Island beginning at 8 p.m. There is a give back aspect too, with runners supporting the Lance Armstrong Foundation, World Wildlife Federation or Sounds cool to this running New Yorker. Get more info at