Friday, November 23, 2007

NYC Thanksgiving Part II: Macy's Balloon Inflation

Not but a block from my apartment, the balloons for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade are blown up to their full glory. The crowds are unbelievable, with visitors from all over the world stopping by the night before Thanksgiving to gaze upon the gigantic, wondrous cartoon characters and holiday symbols. It is a remarkable event that I wish everyone could see, so check out my Flickr photos on the festivities. My evening was topped off to perfection with a dinner at Isabella's with 19 of my extraordinary neighbors, as hosted by Joe B., the charming and generous 'mayor of the block' and president of Landmark 76. What a fantastic and magical night it was!


Anonymous said...

It was great to have you at our "Landmark 76 fest" at Isabellas on Wednesday night, Mary! Once again, we witnessed why we live on such a special, albeit magical, block.

Thomas Churchwell said...

I will be there again this year